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Learn any language anywhere, anytime

ReLANpro.NET is a web-based learning tool that allows students 24/7 access to online multimedia materials. These files are stored on the Cloud Server provided by ReLANpro. ReLANpro.NET is available for any school, even if you do not presently have a language lab.

The ReLANpro.NET offers the same recording capabilities as their school lab as well, including audio, video, text, multiple choice files etc. Students can answer questions or respond verbally to dialogues teachers have placed in folders for them to retrieve when at home or traveling. Students can compare their voice recordings to those of native speakers and re-record their answers over their original recordings in an attempt to perfect their important pronunciation and comprehension skills.

The ReLANpro.NET Cloud Server can include your schools pre-authored teaching materials or customized materials authored by teachers, which are then uploaded to the server via an easy to use menu.

  • runs all standard Windows © audio and video formats
  • offers text facilities and Multiple Choice examinations
  • even .doc, .pdf and many more
  • special teacher tools in ReLANpro Cloud Manager
  • teaching materials from your ReLANpro.NET Cloud Server will play as a master file on the student’s recorder and cannot be erased.
  • students answers are recorded on a separate track and have the option of being saved locally or uploaded to the ReLANpro.NET Cloud Server for teacher assessment and archiving.
  • recordings are made digitally and offer “skip” technology maximizing effective study time.
  • allows students to work independently and at their own pace.
  • includes automatic update options
  • gives you gigabites of free space allowing you to place special exercises on the ReLANpro.NET Cloud Server
  • allows possible integration with your V.L.E. (Virtual Learning Environment)

There is no need for pre-recorded exercises. They can use all available Windows’ driven audio and video material to enhance their speaking skills; an ingenious but simple “Create Gap” button creates, in real time, the response gaps needed for language lab use.
Any school or business can allow their self-motivated students to improve their language skills by using ReLANpro.NET.

copyright @ 2009 Renet Asia